ADMISSION will provide the necessary foundations to develop novel ways to prevent and treat Multiple Long-Term Conditions (MLTCs) and their consequences in people admitted to hospital and to improve care systems and the quality of care for this underserved group.
Large UK teaching hospitals, UK BioBank and The Scottish Health Research Register.
Based across five UK academic centres, ADMISSION combines expertise in clinical medicine, epidemiology, informatics, computing, biostatistics, social science, genetics and care pathway mapping to examine patterns of conditions, mechanisms, consequences and pathways of care for people with MLTCs admitted to hospital.
People aged 18 and over with two or more self-reported long-term conditions who have been a hospital inpatient within the last six months.
The programme used routinely collected electronic health record data from large UK teaching hospitals, population-based cohort data from UK Biobank and routinely collected blood samples from The Scottish Health Research Register and Biobank (SHARE).
ADMISSION will provide the necessary foundations to develop novel ways to prevent and treat MLTCs and their consequences in people admitted to hospital and to improve care systems and the quality of care for this underserved group.